Yearbook 139. Hardcover

Author:The NIC Editorial team
Publisher:New In Chess
Number Of Pages:256


SKU: 9789056919580 Categories: , ,

Chess Opening News

New In Chess Yearbook, which appears four times a year, contains the latest news in chess openings. Each issue brings you dozens of new ideas on the cutting edge of modern chess opening theory. Have a look at what this issue has to offer.
This issue’s Forum Section features an article by René Olthof on the stunning piece sacrifice with which Fabiano Caruana took Maxime Vachier-Lagrave by surprise in the second leg of the Candidates Tournament. This is followed by some unique analysis material by Ganguly on a game he lost against Pavel Eljanov! Two other grandmasters, Mikheil Mchedlishvili and Max Warmerdam, also made a contribution, and you should certainly check out IJntze Hoekstra’s short but intriguing note to the book Side-Stepping Mainline Theory by Gerard Welling and Steve Giddins!
From Our Own Correspondent
Our GM correspondent Erwin l’Ami starts his column with a good equalizing method for Black in the Tarrasch and then presents a thorough analysis of a correspondence game with the Delayed Poisoned Pawn in the Najdorf. L’Ami has played the Black side of Kramnik’s QGD endgame and demonstrates that Black is OK here – which cannot be said of his two final subjects, the Poisoned Pawn line in the London System and the Winawer French with 7…0-0.
Part of Glenn Flear’s Reviews column is dedicated to modern media again. The 2-volume ebook The Modern French by Kryakvin is reviewed and compared to two other recent works on the French: Anish Giri’s awesome Lifetime repertoire course; The French Defense (for Chessable) and Pentala Harikrishna’s book Beat the French Defence with 3.Nc3. The Englishman also pays attention to Ilya Smirin’s book Sicilian Warfare – arguably more than just an opening book – and of course the latest masterpiece by Parimarjan Negi: Grandmaster repertoire: 1.e4 vs Minor Defences.
1.e4 openings
  • Sicilian Defence – Najdorf Variation 6.Be3 – Ganguly
  • Sicilian Defence – Scheveningen Variation 6.g3 – Mchedlishvili
  • Sicilian Defence – Rauzer Variation 7.Bb5 – Ganguly
  • Sicilian Defence – Four Knights Variation 6.Ndb5 – Vilela
  • Sicilian Defence – Four Knights Variation 6.Nxc6 – Stella
  • Sicilian Defence – Closed Variation 3.d4 – Bosch
  • French Defence – Exchange Variation 4.Nf3 – Lalic
  • French Defence – Tarrasch Variation 3…Nf6 – Moskalenko
  • Ruy Lopez – Berlin Defence 4.0 – 0 – Ponomariov
  • Ruy Lopez – Early Divergences after 3…a6 4.Ba4 – Ris
  • Ruy Lopez – Open Variation 9.Nbd2 – Talsma
  • Italian Game – Giuoco Piano 4.c3 – Flear
  • Italian Game – Early Divergences 3.Bc4 d6 – Sokolov
  • Scotch Opening – Four Knights Game 4.a4 – Bosch
  • Scotch Opening – Mieses Variation 4.Nf6 5.Nxc6 – K.Szabo
  • Various Openings – Nimzowitsch Defence 1…Nc6 2.d4 – Tzermiadianos

1.d4 opening

  • Slav Defence – Slow Slav – Panczyk and Ilczuk
  • Slav Defence – Semi – Slav: Meran 6.Qc2 – Olthof
  • Tarrasch Defence – Semi – Tarrasch 4.Nf3 d5 – Adams
  • Nimzo – Indian Defence – 4.Nf3 Line – Ikonnikov
  • Queen’s Indian Defence – Bogo – Indian 3.Bb4+ 4.Nbd2 – Timman
  • Grünfeld Indian Defence – 4.Bf4 Line – Lukacs and Hazai
  • King’s Indian Defence – Classical Main Line 7…Bg4 – Fogarasi
  • Queen’s Pawn Openings – Double Fianchetto 6.b3 – K.Szabo


  • English Opening – Symmetrical Variation 3.b3 – Cummings