World Champion Perspective – Vishwanathan Anand – VOL. 1(DVD)

Manufacturer: Metropolitan Chess Publishing
Hosted By: GM Viswanathan Anand
Publication Date: 2015-02-11
Runtime: 148 minutes
Hardware Requirements: Standard DVD Player


In 2012 and 2013, the then World Champion Viswanathan Anand traveled to Los Angeles to teach at the annual Metropolitan Summer Chess Camp, sharing his unique insights with some of the top scholastic talents in the U.S.


His teachings and instruction from both camps was recorded and has been edited to create standalone lectures, which will be the focal interest of the World Champion Perspective series. The DVD is shot in the style of one-on-one instruction, with the look and feel of a personal private lesson with GM Anand.


In this first volume, Anand analyzes three high-level games that take place within the Sicilian Defense. By focusing on thematic plans, concepts, and motifs, Anand familiarizes the viewer with the most important ideas of any opening, middlegame, or endgame. Anand’s long-lasting love for the game can also be felt as he enthusiastically presents the most beautiful variations in each game.


Material included on this DVD:

Game 1: Nakamura – Gelfand, Tal Memorial 2013, Sveshnikov Defense

Game 2: Anand – McShane, Bundesliga 2003, Sveshnikov Defense

Game 3: Anand – Topalov, Supreme Masters of Norway 2007, Najdorf Defense