Winning Chess.

Author: Irving Chernev and  Fred Reinfeld
Publisher:Batsford Chess
Date/Format:2013 Paperback
Content:240 Pages


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How to Perfect Your Attacking Play

 Winning Chess is a classic, beloved for more than 40 years. This updated edition, now in algebraic format, remains as lively, conversational, and appealing as ever. Written by two extremely popular chess authors, it’s aimed at advanced beginners and intermediates eager to take their game to a new level. Its imaginative themes and instructional method are timeless, along with its sense of fun and humor.

About the Authors

 Irving Chernev (1900-1981) was a Russian-American chess author who wrote over 20 books, including the bestselling Invitation to Chess (with Kenneth Harkness; Ishi Press) and Logical Chess: Move By Move (Batsford).

 Fred Reinfeld (1910-1964) was a prolific chess author whose writing was admired for its deceptive simplicity and clarity.