TP Chess Puzzle Book: 2016.

Author:Georgios Souleidis and Dirk Sebastian
Publisher:Thinkers Publishing
Date/Format:2017 Paperback
Content:312 Pages



This book is aimed at ambitious players and we assume that the reader has an advanced chess education, knowing all the basic tactical motives. Also we assume that he is able to calculate longer variations and is trained to do so for more than 10 minutes if necessary. Wait, do I really need 10 minutes for every puzzle? No, relax. All chapters start with easy puzzles but the level of difficulty increases and depending on your skills you will need sometimes more than 20 minutes, sometimes you probably won´t even find the solution. We included some brain crushers from whom we think that even grandmasters will have problems solving. But that should not pose a problem. In our opinion the journey is the reward. Sometimes looking at a position for a long time and then finding something new you couldn’t spot in the beginning, might be even more beneficial. The harder you try, the more you will benefit.  

About the Authors

Georgios Souleidis (1972) is an International Master and has a Master Degree in Communication Science. Souleidis, of Greek descent, was born in Germany and lives in Hamburg. He works as a chess coach and journalist. He is a six-time Greek team champion and won several open tournaments.

 Dirk Sebastian (1979) is an International Master and chess coach, born, raised and living in Hamburg, Germany. He has one GM-norm, scored in the highest German “Bundesliga”, where he plays for his home team for over 15 years.