The Rules of Winning Chess

Author:Nigel Davies
Publisher:Everyman Chess
Date/Format:2009 Paperback
Content:192 Pages


SKU: 811 Categories: , ,


Some players seem to be naturally gifted at chess. Almost effortlessly they seem to know what to do in every position. They recognize the best squares for their pieces; they know whether to seize the initiative with a bold attack or play quietly; whether to trade pieces or avoid exchanges; how to exploit opponents’ weaknesses while minimizing the effect of their own – they make it look all too easy!

 Why is this? Do they know something the rest of us don’t? The answer is they do – they know the Rules of Winning Chess. These are the key fundamentals of the game, principles that you can easily learn and remember, and that will help you to achieve both greater understanding and enjoyment of chess. Do you want to approach every game with the confidence you can deal with any situation put in front of you? The Rules of Winning Chess will show you the way.

    • Covers opening, middlegame and endgame play
    • Written by a renowned coaching guru
    • Ideal for improving players

About the Author

 Nigel Davies is a Grandmaster, a winner of numerous international tournaments and a former British Rapidplay Champion. He’s a renowned coaching expert and is the author of many successful books. Previous works for Everyman Chess include his Gambiteer series and the highly acclaimed Play 1 e4 e5!.