Modern Reti. An Anti-Slav Repertoire

Author:Alexander Delchev
Publisher:Chess Stars
Date/Format:2012 Paperback
Content:212 Pages


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 This book presents a repertoire against 1…d5, based on the Reti: 1.Nf3 d5 2.c4 when Delchev considers both 2…c6 and 2…e6. It offers mostly original analysis and examines plans and variations that have never been covered so far.

 The Modern Reti follows Chess Stars trademark structure with 3 chapters in every part. 

From the author’s foreword:

 Club players have probably noticed that their opponents as a rule are well prepared against the central openings 1.e4/1.d4. If you are disappointed with your results, or just tired of endlessly studying the latest analyses in the most explored variations, you’ll find here a viable repertoire versus 1…d5 (..)

 It was meant for a top-level professional and this repertoire is designed to serve for many years. It is based on complex positions without early pawn clashes in the centre. This shifts the focus towards middlegame plans and reduces the impact of homebrewed novelties.

 At the same time, it is no less ambitious than the Sicilian, or the Grünfeld, which were the subject of my previous books. Most of the material is fresh and is not covered anywhere else.

Alexander Delchev
February 2012