Easiest Sicilian

Author:Atanas Kolev and Traijko Nedev
Publisher:Chess Stars
Date/Format:2008 Paperback
Content:240 Pages


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An Agressive Black Repertoire Based on the Sveshnikov

 The book presents a Black repertoire with 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 Nc6, based on the most aggressive Sveshnikov lines. It also covers The Rossolimo (3 Bb5) and Alapin (3 c3). It’s written by GM Atanas Kolev (author of the hugely popular “The Sharpest Sicilian“) and young Macedonian GM Trajko Nedev who acted as his sparring partner.

 The material is up-to-date to April 10th 2008. The authors propose major novelties in practically all topical lines. The repertoire avoids solid, but passive variations. They are left for backup lines while the authors’ recommendation goes for the most challenging options.

  From the foreword by GM Atanas Kolev:

      •  “Currently I do not see any serious theoretical problems for Black (…) I realised how easy it was to include the Sveshnikov in one’s repertoire!”
      •  “I worked hard to neutralise two fresh ideas of Khalifman and Anand, and hope our improvements will withstand the practical test.”
      •  “My aim was not so much to offer a survival guide for black, but rather pick out variations that lead to rich and double-edged play, with decent winning chances for him.”