Tactics in the Chess Opening 3

Author:A C Van der Tak and  Friso Nijboer
Publisher:New in Chess
Date/Format:2005 Paperback
Content:240  Pages


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French Defence and other half-open games

 Tactics, tricks and traps!

 Every chess player loves to win, but nothing compares to winning with a flourish. How happy we are when the tactics work and we decide a game with a cunning trick, a devilish trap or a delightful coup de grâce. The Sicilian is one of the sharpest and most popular chess openings and offers endless possibilities for players looking for fireworks. It’s not for nothing that among the most loyal fans of the Sicilian we find tactical geniuses like Garry Kasparov, Bobby Fischer and Judit Polgar!

 In this book you will find more than 250 carefully selected and expertly annotated Sicilian games full of unexpected turns and brilliant surprise attacks. You can study these games or just enjoy them, but either way they will end up making you a stronger player!

About the Authors

 A.C. van der Tak is widely respected as an authority on opening theory. For the past three decades he has been a highly productive contributor to New In Chess and its predecessor Schaakbulletin.

 Friso Nijboer is one of Holland’s most active and most experienced grandmasters. He has played in countless national championships and was one of the topscorers of the Dutch team that won the European Championship in 2001.


“Lots of opening ideas that can be assimilated by everyone.” Jeremy Silman, author of ‘How to Reassess Your Chess’

“Very suitable as a training book for youngsters. Kids will be thrilled with the fine tactics and will, while going at it, automatically absorb some of the strategic backgrounds.”  Thomas Behrens at Schach-Ticker (Germany)

“An excellent way to study.” Australian Chess Magazine

“A high quality product that is particularly appropriate to give the average club and tournament player an overall grasp on the dangers and opportunities available in a given opening.” IM John Watson, The Week In Chess