Six World Champions. DVD


System requirements:
Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP



 This package includes 6 courses in Peshk@ interface: Emanuel Lasker, Jose Raul Capablanca, Alexander Alekhine, Mikhail Botvinnik, Mikhail Tal and Boris Spassky.

Emanuel Lasker – 2nd World Champion

 The most complete collection of Emanuel Laskers games ever compiled. Contains 630 games, covering the entire long career of the 2nd World Champion.

Jose Raul Capablanca – 3rd World Champion

 640 commented games played by the 3rd World Champion Jose Raul Capablanca. All the games deeply annotated by GM Khailfman and Petersburg IMs.

Alexander Alekhine – 4th World Champion

 The course contains 1300 commented games played by the 4th World Champion Alexander Alekhine.

Mikhail Botvinnik – 6th World Champion

 The most complete collection of Botvinniks games ever compiled. Contains as many as 1.069 games played by Botvinnik from 1924 till 1970. The games deeply annotated by GM Alexander Khalifman.

Mikhail Tal – 8th World Champion

 The most complete collection of Tal’s games ever compiled. Contains 2,592 games, covering the entire career of the most brilliant attacking chessplayer in history.

Boris Spassky – 10th Chess Champion

 This course contains all the games of the 10th World Champion, one of the superior masters of attack in chess history.