Secrets of Spectacular Chess, 2nd edition

Author:Jonathan Levitt and David Friedgood
Publisher:Everyman Chess
Date/Format:2008 Paperback
Content:192 Pages


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 In the modern classic, Secrets of Spectacular Chess, Jonathan Levitt and David Friedgood shared their joy and appreciation of chess beauty, engulfing readers with a wealth of amazing and magnificent examples from the aesthetic side of the game. More than this, they showed how this fascinating subject could actually be analysed, and how this could help players improve the practical side of their game. Now the authors have produced a much awaited and largely expanded second edition, in which they present further thoughts, provide many new mesmerizing examples of games, studies and problems, and revisit previous material to explain how the theory has developed. This book captures the imagination; read it and become hypnotized by the power and beauty of chess!

    • A new expanded edition, with 50% new material
    • An enthralling guide to the artistry of chess
    • Ideal for players of all levels

About the Authors

 Jonathan Levitt is an experienced Grandmaster who has numerous tournament successes to his name, including winning the 2005 Staunton Memorial. A renowned chess teacher, he has been involved in coaching some of the UK’s top young players. He organized the inaugural 1996 and 1997 Schools Chess Problem Solving Championship and has composed several prize-winning problems.

 David Friedgood is a former South African Champion who is now settled in the UK. He’s a FIDE Master, an International Master of Chess Solving, and has won the British Chess Solving title no less than five times. He has been running the Problem World column in British Chess Magazine since 1995.


“Chess is magical and beautiful. Just read “Secrets of Spectacular Chess” by Jonathan Levitt and David Friedgood (recently issued by Everyman Chess), and you realize that almost everything is possible on the chessboard. This excellent study on the aesthetics of chess is full of fascinating examples created by players and composers. The current edition is vastly enlarged from the 1995 original. Among the new material is the amazing 1999 game between Kasparov and Topalov in Wijk aan Zee, the Netherlands. Kasparov considered it his best game, involving “the best combination ever.””Lubomir Kavalek Washington Post

“This is one of those books that bring a smile to your face every time you open it. It quickly becomes clear that the authors are as excited as the reader will be. In fact, it’s almost as if they were in your living room – quivering with delight as they set up positions and show you the solutions – exclaiming, “Look! Look! Isn’t this just amazing?” Yes, it is amazing. If you are someone that simply loves chess, “Secrets of Spectacular Chess, 2nd Edition” is a must buy. It’s as delightful a chess book as you’ll ever have the pleasure to read.”Jeremy Silman

“…These and many other fantastic examples make Secrets of Spectacular Chess fun and valuable. It presents chess with many subtleties and surprises. Thinking about the underlying issues and studying the composed endgames can be valuable to any player. Reading this highly recommended book is a joy and mastering its central ideas could well mean the difference between winning or drawing a practical game.”Dov Gorman Virginia Chess