Prepare to Attack

Author:Gary Lane
Publisher:Everyman Chess
Date/Format:2011 Paperback
Content:192 Pages


SKU: 1012 Categories: ,


 “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” —Abraham Lincoln

 There’s no escaping the fact: if you want to win chess games, you have to attack at some point. Many players are happy solving combinations in winning positions, when the hard work is already done, but the key to a successful attack undoubtedly comes much earlier. No-one can attack effectively if they haven’t prepared properly, and yet planning in chess can be a difficult technique to master, even for experienced players.

 This book provides a solution. Using an abundance of illustrative games and examples, Gary Lane answers the questions which constantly puzzle players of all levels. How should I plan after the opening? Where are my opponent’s weaknesses? Do I have enough pieces in the attack? When should I strike? Do I need to sacrifice? Should I cash in or continue to attack? Read this book, discover the answers and attack with confidence!

      • An essential guide to attacking chess
      • Introduces easy-to-learn techniques
      • Focuses on planning and strategy.

About the Author

 Gary Lane is an International Master and an experienced and successful player on the international tournament circuit. He qualified to compete at the World Cup in 2005 and is a former Commonwealth Champion. A prolific and popular chess writer, he is also a respected chess coach who has been involved in training some of England and Australia’s top junior players.