Practical White Repertoire with 1.D4 and 2.C4. Volume 2

Author:Alexei Kornev
Publisher:Chess Stars
Date/Format:2013 Paperback
Content:304 Pages


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The King’s Fianchetto Defences

  “I would like to present to the readers the second volume out of three-volume work, devoted to the building of a practical repertoire for white after the 1.d2-d4.

  “In this book we pay most attention to the Gruenfeld Defence (part 1) and to the King’s Indian Defence (part 2).  In the process of choosing system against these opening, the author has emphasized on the principle of reliability. Against the Gruenfeld Defence we analyze the Modern Exchange variation with Be3 and Qd2, in which there often arisen transfer into an endgame, slightly preferable for White. Against the King’s Indian Defence, our main opening weapons the Averbakh system, which has been thoroughly analyzed. Black can hardly begin there any active action on the kingside…”

From the Preface by Alexei Kornev 

Read an Excerpt

About the Author

  Alexei Kornev is an international grandmaster and coach. In 2001 he took the silver in the Russian Cup Final. He is also the winner of a number of international tournaments. Highest Elo so far – 2582. For many years, he has been senior coach of the junior chess school in the city of Vladimir. His students are often among the winners of the Russian junior championships for boys and girls.