Practical Chess Tutor – From Basics to Mastery 1. Paperback

Author:Srdan Carnic
Publisher:Informant Publishing
Number Of Pages:304


SKU: 9788682852025 Categories: , , ,

Essential Skills for Ambitious Improvers

This book is primarily intended for all chess players entering the magical world of chess. Beginners, children, and their parents and of course – adult ambitious improvers. This chess textbook will enable readers to strengthen their knowledge of the chess basics and fundamentals and help trainers and chess teachers work with their students.

  • The Rules of Chess
  • Basic Checkmates and Winning Material
  • Essential Endgame Skills
  • Tactics and Combinations
  • How to play the Opening?

The author has 35 years of experience working with the most promising junior players, many of them becoming chess professionals, Grandmasters, and International Masters. As a senior trainer, he has gathered a deep knowledge and understanding of *what a diligent improver* should devote his attention to, and is able to guide a prudent reader with a steady hand.

This book is the first one in the series that should bring you great enjoyment and satisfaction in accumulating chess skills and winning many games along the way!