Play Unconventional Chess and Win

Author:Noam A. Manella and Zeev Zohar
Publisher:Everyman Chess
Date/Format:2014 Paperback
Content:392 Pages


SKU: 1857 Categories: ,


 The computer has changed the way top players think about chess. The silicon mind has no psychological barriers. It is “willing” to check moves that most humans, including top players, consider absurd and reject instantly. Thus this brave, new computer era inevitably leads to a reassessment of old axioms, principles and evaluations.

 In this book the reader will discover the incredible power unconventional moves can have. These moves contradict the most fundamental principles of the “old chess”, and yet most of them played by leading grandmasters.

 At first sight these moves look so strange that the reader can not avoid asking, “Was this grandmaster inspired or drunk?” The answer will definitely surprise you.

About the Authors

 Noam A. Manella is a well-known expert in the field of creativity and author of The Creative Code. He’s a chess study composer, whose works have received numerous awards.

 Zeev Zohar examined “The Influence of Computer Software on Top Chess Players’ Creativity” as part of his MA studies at Tel Aviv University. His revolutionary findings constitute the basis for this extraordinary book.