Play the Ponziani

Author:Dave Taylor and  Keith Hayward
Publisher:Everyman Chess
Date/Format:2010 Paperback
Content:301 Pages


SKU: 875 Categories: , ,


 The Ponziani Opening enjoys a long history, but for some unknown reason it has been neglected in recent times. Don’t be fooled by its apparently harmless reputation: the Ponziani is full of tricks and catches many unsuspecting opponents by surprise. It’s also a perfect weapon for those who don’t fancy learning the masses of theory associated with more high-profile openings like the Ruy Lopez. In Play the Ponziani, Dave Taylor and Keith Hayward present a comprehensive guide to this intriguing opening. They provide coverage of all the main lines, identify the best lines for both White and Black, and highlight the key tactical and positional ideas. This book provides everything you need to know to play the Ponziani in your own games.

      • Ideal for improvers, club players and tournament players
      • Bonus coverage of what to do if Black avoids the Ponziani
      • Packed with original ideas and analysis

About the Authors

 Dave Taylor is a former United States Correspondence Chess Champion, with an amazing score of 13 wins and one draw. He is one of the world’s leading experts on the Ponziani Opening.

 Keith Hayward is a FIDE Master, and an International Master of correspondence chess. He’s a regular contributor for, one of the most popular online chess magazines, and a former editor of Minnesota Chess Journal and New Hampshire News Bulletin.