Play the Nimzo-Indian

Author:Edward Dearing
Publisher:Everyman Chess
Date/Format:2006 Paperback
Content:224 Pages


SKU: 223 Categories: , ,

The Nimzo-Indian is one of Black’s most universally popular and respectable answers to 1 d4. It could be said that no other opening allows Black to play for a win from such a sound positional basis, while its flexibility gives rise to a multitude of different positions rich in tactical and positional play. The list of Nimzo-Indian admirers runs like a who’s who of the chess world: Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik, Vishy Anand, Anatoly Karpov and Michael Adams are just a handful of top Grandmasters who have utilised it with great effect.

  With the Nimzo-Indian being such a fashionable opening, some Black players are put off by the possibility of having to learn a labyrinth of different variations. However, in Play the Nimzo-Indian Edward Dearing solves this problem by constructing a concise and workable repertoire for Black, offering a solution against each of White’s tries, whether it’s a critical main line or a tricky side variation. After reading this book, you will have the necessary knowledge and confidence to begin playing the Nimzo-Indian in your games.

    • Explains an opening favoured by the world’s elite
    • Written by a renowned openings expert
    • Covers all of White’s main tries

About the Author

Edward Dearing is a young International Master and one of Scotland’s leading players, making his debut for the national team at the 2004 Mallorca Olympiad. Outside of chess, he has a degree in law from Cambridge University and is currently a practicing lawyer.