Opening for White according to Kramnik – Volume 3, 2nd Edition

Author:Alexander Khalifman
Publisher:Chess Stars
Content:302 Pages


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 The new edition of the series “Opening for White According to Kramnik 1.Nf3”

 From the preface by Alexander Khalifman:

 “You are holding in your hands the second edition of the third volume of the book “Opening for White, according to Kramnik”, in which we have been analyzing practically all the opening systems, arising after the moves 1.Nf3 c5. (..)

 In the first part of this volume, we have analyzed positions of the four knights system (1.Nf3 c5 2.c4 Nf6 3.Nc3 Nc6 4.g3). It is worth mentioning that starting from the moment our first volume came out of print, the focus of attention in this system has changed radically.

 The discussion earlier, particularly at a higher level, was centered on the moves 4…d5 and 4…e6, but later 4…g6 began to be played by Black much more often. Naturally, this does not necessarily mean that the former two variations have been refuted.

 They remain to be quite reliable from the point of view of contemporary theory, but in both cases White has good possibilities of fighting for a slight edge, which can be turned eventually into a full point later.

 Meanwhile, Black’s opportunities to create active counterplay in all these variations are nearly non-existent. Accordingly, nowadays theory focuses on the line with 4…g6, so we have paid thorough attention to it in our volume. (..)

 In the second part of our volume, we are dealing with numerous variations, which have not been analyzed at all in the first edition of our book. I recommended to White, after 1.Nf3 c5 2.c4 Nc6, to play 3.d4, but opening theory does not remain idle and Black has managed to find quite purposeful options to counter that order of moves.

 It is worth mentioning in that aspect the not so popular variation 3…cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.g3 e5!? Having in mind the theoretical discoveries during the present year 2011, I would venture to recommend to White to play the move 3.Nc3, after which if Black is not happy with the four knights system (see Part 1), then his most principled choice would be between 3…Nd4, 3…g6 and 3…e5. (..)