Opening for White according to Anand, Volume 14

Author: Alexander Khalifman
Publisher:Chess Stars
Date/Format:2012 Paperbac,
Content:272 Pages


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The Final volume of the Series

Preface Alexander Khalifman

 You are holding in your hands the fourteenth (and final!) book of the series “Opening For White According to Anand: 1.e4”.

 In the first part of this book we have analyzed the variation 6.Be3 Ng4. (..) In the second and main part of the book we have analyzed the line 6.Be3 e5. This is not just a single variation, but rather an entire complex of opening lines, whose theory is now so complicated, involving many different branches, that it resembles a separate opening.(..)

 White is faced with an immediate choice: where to retreat his knight. The moves 7.Nf3 and 7.Nde2 are by no means harmless for Black, but nevertheless I would venture to recommend the traditionally main move 7.Nb3, with the already familiar plan of Qd2+f3+g4+0-0-0; in the first place, because I consider this to be White’s most principled approach, and secondly because the entire plan and all its nuances are already familiar to us from the previous books in this series.”