Most Instructive Endgames of 2012-2015.

Author: Arkadij Naiditsch and Csaba Balogh
Publisher:Chess Evolution
Date/Format:2016 Paperback
Content:264 Pages



With Extensive Analysis

Arkadij Naiditsch and Csaba Balogh analyse the 80 most instructive endgames from the years of 2012-2015. The authors aim to explain mainly by words to make it understandable for the players on any level.


GM Adrian Mikhalchishin: “Nowadays, many players rely on “computer” evaluations much more than their own “human” understanding. Is this fatal to the rise of a chess player?! A chess program should be nothing other than an assistant to our improvement as chess players. This is why, in my view, it is more important to develop our understanding of the chess game – and this can be done most effectively by working with a stronger player. In the current book you have the opportunity to join two super-GMs in their thinking processes, and observing the chess game ‘as it is’.”