Masterpieces of Chess Composition, R. Reti & J. Fritz

Author:Yakov Vladimirov
Publisher:Russian Chess House
Date/Format:2002 Paperback
Content:50 Pages
Language:English, German, Russian and Spanish


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This pocket-size chess book will keep you busy.

 Masterpieces of Bohemian Crystal:

Richard Reti (born Bratislava 1889, died Prague 1929) was a famous grandmaster and an outstanding theoretician and chess player. He composed about 100 studies, one of which (No.1) is the most popular among chess players. His work is distinguished by a love for positions with mutual zugzwang and paradoxical entry moves supported by thematic false trails. Many of his studies are based on a fascinating battle of pieces against several passed pawns. A collection of Reti’s studies prepared by the author was published after his sudden death in 1929 so for this the chess world is indebted to Arthur Mandler.  

Jindrich Fritz (born Prague 1912, died Prague 1984), a lawyer by profession, was a grandmaster of chess composition (1975) and an international arbiter (1956). From 1930 he composed more than 500 studies and problems collected in his book “Vybrane Sachove Problemy” (1979). He was a follower of the Bohemian chess school; his studies invariably end in pretty and correct checkmates or stalemates. He paid much attention to echo motifs and classical domination. Fritz was in his element in lively piece play. With his fine composing technique he was able to embody the most complicated ideas in miniature form.  The elegant studies of Reti and Fritz are involuntarily associated with the gleam of the famous Bohemian crystal.