Italian Game and Evans Gambit

Author:Jan Pinski
Publisher:Everyman Chess
Date/Format:2005 Paperback
Content:160 Pages


SKU: 156 Categories: , ,


 The Italian Game (sometimes referred to as the Giuoco Piano) is one of the oldest openings around, and also one of the first lines a player learns when he or she is introduced to chess. It leads to play that is easy to understand: both sides develop their pieces logically and begin attacks on the opposing kings. The Italian Game gives both White and Black the opportunity to play either aggressively and in gambit fashion, or in a restrained and positional manner. One of White’s most exciting and attacking options is the legendary Evans Gambit, which has been brought back into the limelight in this modern era by such uncompromising players as World number one Garry Kasparov, Alexander Morozevich and England’s Nigel Short.

 In this book, openings expert Jan Pinski investigates the different strategies and tactics in the Italian Game and Evans Gambit. Using model games for both White and Black, Pinski provides crucial coverage of both the main lines and offbeat variations. This book arms the reader with enough knowledge to play the Italian Game and Evans Gambit with confidence.

    • Written by well known opening theoretician
    • A useful guide for club and tournament players alike
    • All main lines are covered

About the Author

 The Polish player Jan Pinski is a renowned expert on the Kalashnikov. Jacob Aagaard is an International Master from Denmark who is well on the way to obtaining the Grandmaster title. His two earlier books for have been very well received by the chess playing public.