How Well Do I Play Chess: Open Games

Author:Vsevolod Kostrov
Publisher:Chess Stars
Date/Format:2007 Paperback
Content:88 Pages


SKU: 475 Categories: , ,


  Chess Stars Publishing presents the famous series of test games “How Well Do I Play Chess”. The books “Open Games”, “Semi-Open Games”, and “Gambits”, have been printed in more than 50,000 copies in Russia. The author – Vsevolod Kostrov from St. Petersburg – has been coaching young talents for 20 years. Whole generations of Russian players have grown up on his books. “

   Children often ask their coaches, or their parents “How well do I play chess?” We will help young players answer that question themselves, and we will improve their level of play in the process.” That is the point of Kostrov’s books – he teaches by involving the element of competition. A chess set, a pen and sheet of paper – that’s all the reader needs to measure his chess strength against the Russian standards, and learn basic opening theory at the same time.