For Friends & Colleagues BOOK 1. Profession – Chess Coach

Author:Mark Dvoretsky
Publisher:Russell Entereprises
Date/Format:2014 Paperback
Content:384 Pages


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Mark Dvoretsky has long been considered one of the premier chess coaches and trainers in the world. He is renown for taking talented masters and forging them into world-class grandmasters and champions.

 His literary achievements are also quite distinguished. For example, Dvoretsky’s Endgame Manual, soon to be released in a fourth edition, established itself as the sine qua non of endgame theory from the moment it appeared over a decade ago.

 This accomplished chess instructor and author now shares his story in a groundbreaking two-volume set. You are invited to share his journey from his childhood and maturing into a strong master, to his participation in the powerful Soviet championships and then, his transition to full-time chess coach. Along the way, Dvoretsky pulls no punches with his commentary and insights about the allencompassing Soviet chess machine, topflight grandmasters, and his trials and tribulations as he helped develop “average” masters into world-class players.