Fighting the French: A New Concept

Author: Denis Yevseev
Publisher: Chess Stars
Format: Paperback
ISBN-13: 9789548782838
Publication Year: 2011
Number of Pages: 384
Language: English


SKU: ftfanc Categories: , ,


Playable against almost anything that Black may play

Nowadays the French Defence 1…e6 is one of the most popular openings in response to 1.e4. I’d like to suggest a new concept of combating it.

White plays 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 and then deploys his pieces according to the scheme Ngf3, Bd3, c3, 0-0, against almost anything that Black may play.This will usually lead to exchanges in the centre and the appearance of an isolated queen’s pawn for White.

About the Author

Denis Yevseev is a grandmaster. He is the winner of many international tournaments as Taraus open (Tampere) 2002, the Petrov Memorial (St. Petersburg) 2002, Vashilishin Memorial (Lvov) 2009…