FIDE Golden Book 1924-2016

Author:Willy Iclicki
Publisher:Thinkers Publishing
Date/Format:2016 Paperback
Content:372 Pages


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The Full Updated History of FIDE

 Founded 92 years ago, in Paris on 20 July 1924, the World Chess Federation (Federation International des Echecs, known as FIDE from its French acronym) is recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as the supreme body, responsible for the organisation of Chess and its Championships at global and continental levels.

 The purpose and aim of FIDE are the dissemination and development of chess among all nations of the world, as well as the raising of the level of chess culture and knowledge on a sporting, scientific, creative and cultural basis.

 FIDE supports a close international co-operation of the chess devotees in every field of chess activity, thereby also aiming to improve friendly harmony among peoples. FIDE issues the rules of chess and the provisions pertaining to the organisation of the Chess Olympiad, World Championship and all other competitions. It awards the international chess titles of Grandmaster, International Master, FIDE Master, Woman Grandmaster, International Woman Master, FIDE Woman Master, International Arbiter and International Organiser, Chess in Schools Instructor and FIDE Trainer.