Dangerous Weapons: 1 e4 e5

Author:John Emms, Glenn Flear,  and Andrew Greet
Publisher:Everyman Chess
Date/Format:2008 Paperback
Content:336 Pages


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Decrease Your Stress

    • Do you need a well-deserved break from your normal chess openings?
    • Are you tired of constantly having to keep up with modern chess theory?
    • Or perhaps you simply wish to try out something new and inspiring, but cannot decide amongst the embarrassment of choices available?

 Look no further for the answer! In Dangerous Weapons: 1 e4 e5, renowned opening experts John Emms, Glenn Flear and Andrew Greet take a revolutionary look at one of the most famous and widely-played chess openings. Instead of travelling down well-trodden and analysed paths, the authors concentrate on fresh or little-explored variations, selecting a wealth of ‘dangerous’ options for both colours. Whether playing White or Black, a study of this book will leave you confident and fully-armed, and your opponents running for cover!

 Dangerous Weapons is an exciting series of opening books which supply the reader with an abundance of hard-hitting ideas to revitalize his or her opening repertoire. Many of the carefully chosen weapons are innovative, visually shocking, incredibly tricky, or have been unfairly discarded; they are guaranteed to throw even your most experienced opponent off balance.

About the Authors

 John Emms is one of the UK’s leading Grandmasters and has captained the English Team at two Chess Olympiads. He’s an experienced coach who has worked with many top players, including World Championship finalist Michael Adams. He’s also a highly respected writer; previous works for Everyman Chess include the best-selling Starting Out: The Sicilian.

 Grandmaster Glenn Flear is one of the most popular figures on the European tournament circuit. He’s an experienced trainer and has many chess books to his name, including Test Your Endgame Thinking and Improve Your Endgame Play.

 Andrew Greet is a young International Master, a former British Junior Champion, and is one of the UK’s most rapidly improving players. In 2005 he scored a perfect 11/11 in the British National League, the first time any player had achieved this remarkable feat. He is also an experienced coach and writes regular articles for CHESS.


“I was particularly impressed by IM Andrew Greet’s coverage of the Centre Game (over 100 pages!) which is to my knowledge the first real modern examination of this old relic. Greet shows that it is not not only practical as it circumvents the Petroff and Philidor, but definitely has some punch. One thing I particularly like about the Dangerous Weapons series is that the books are well researched, in particular they are especially diligent about examining lines advocated by other authors and have antidotes ready. John Donaldson

“Any player playing double-KP from either side will gain a lot from this book. The point is that all of these lines have value in finding points in games and can be used by or against players of any strength. Bill McGeary, Chessville.com

“In summary, you will likely find this an entertaining read and probably will get quite a few ideas from it. The writing experience of GMs Emms and Flear shows in the clear communication in this book, and IM Greet adds his own perspectives and style. That being said, these are, after all, “Dangerous Weapons” and the reader should understand that adopting any of the suggestions is to acquiesce to some very double-edged positions, and is encouraged to do his/her own due diligence in addition to studying this book before using these ideas in tournament.” Harvey Lerman, Florida Chess