Complete Guide to the Queen Pawn Opening

Author:Anatoly Karpov and Nikolai Kalinichenko
Publisher:Russian Chess House
Date/Format:2016 Hardback
Content:350 Pages Each Volume
ISBN:Volume 1: 9785946934374
Volume 2: 9785946934381


SKU: 2007 Categories: , ,


Two Book Set from Chess University

 There are different kinds of classics. There are museum classics, like those dead languages, which are still studied but no one speaks anymore; and there are living classics which are constantly being renewed. These are ‘languages’ which every succeeding generation ’speaks’ its own way, enriching and passing them on to their descendants.

 Chess in general and opening theory in particular are no exception to the general rule.

 Volume 1 gives a detailed high quality analysis of the Veresov Opening, the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit, the Levitsky Variation and other set-ups.

 Volume 2 is devoted to the London Variation and openings named in honor of Zukertort, Torre, Colle and others.

 In general only one thing is demanded of the reader: a desire. A desire to avoid well-trodden opening set-ups and desire to try something new. If you have such a desire, this two-volume work will become indispensable assistant in your aim for creative experiments.

 So for the victory!