Complete Chess Course

Author:Fred Reinfeld
Publisher:Russell Enterprises
Date/Format:2016 Paperback
Content:288 Pages


SKU: 1993 Categories: , ,


From Beginning to Winning Chess!

 Generations of chess players have grown up on Fred Reinfeld’s books. He has a way of reducing the most intricate, complicated concepts to their basic components..

 The Complete Chess Course is filled with advice on how to play better chess, regardless of how strong or weak a player you may be. It begins with the most fundamental ideas, reviewing the basic moves of the pieces and pawns, and continues with fantastic examples from the very best players.

 We are taken through a full course of chess strategy and tactics; he introduces us to the nine bad moves and how to refute them as well as how to avoid making them.

 Absorb the material included in this volume and you will play chess at a fairly high level. Or read through it all and enjoy Fred’s masterful explanations. In either case, you will be entranced by his enthusiasm for the intricate relationships the pieces experience in the context of a game or even a standout plan or combination.