ChessCafe Puzzle Book 2

Author:Karsten Müller
Publisher:Russell Enterprises
Date/Format:2008 Paperback
Content:252 Pages


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 Much more than just a “Puzzle Book”: this a unique chess strategy instructional primer for intermediate and advanced players.

 As most chess instructors and players know, it is much more difficult to teach and learn strategic concepts than tactics.

 In this book, German grandmaster Karsten Müller will help you develop your strategic chessplaying skills by offering a large number of carefully selected examples.

Topics include:

    • Good and Bad Bishops
    • Domination
    • Outposts
    • Undermining
    • Opening the Position
    • Blockade
    • Improving Piece Placement
    • Prophylaxis
    • A Second Front and The Principle of Two Weaknesses
    • Counterplay
    • Positional Exchange Sacrifice
    • Simplification
    • Weak Color Complex

 Along with many exercises to test your knowledge.