Chess Secrets: The Giants of Strategy

Author:Neil McDonald
Publisher:Everyman Chess
Date/Format:2007 Paperback
Content:256 Pages


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Learn from Kramnik, Karpov, Petrosian, Capablanca and Nimzowitsch            

 Chess Secrets is a brand new series of books which uncover the mysteries of the most important aspects of chess: strategy, attack, opening play and gambits, classical play, endgames and preparation. In each book the author studies a number of great players from chess history who have excelled in a particular field of the game and who have undeniably influenced those who have followed.

 The chess world has been blessed with some wonderful strategists, innovators of the game with their instructive play and profound teachings. In The Giants of Strategy, Neil McDonald chooses his selection of the most prominent ones and highlights the major contributions they have made. He examines their differing approaches and styles, and from Nimzowitsch to Kramnik, how they followed in each other’s footsteps. A careful study of this book will help you to understand and improve in one of the most crucial elements of the game.

    • An entertaining and instructive guide to chess strategy
    • Learn from the greats of the game
    • Discover how famous chess minds work

About the Author

 Grandmaster Neil McDonald is an experienced player on the international chess circuit and has a string of tournament successes to his name. He is a talented chess coach who has trained English juniors at many international events. His successful books include Modern Defence, French Winawer and Dutch Leningrad.


In seinem letzten Buch habe ich ihn noch ziemlich arg kritisiert wegen seiner stilblütenartigen Fabulierungen, diesmal hat der Autor meiner Meinung nach alles richtig gemacht! Super Partien aus denen man in Verbindung mit den lehrreichen Kommentaren McDonalds sehr viel für sein eigenes Spiel lernen kann!” and

“It’s a book rich in insights, and a book whose annotations consistently achieve the difficult – making the ideas and struggle of a game comprehensible and exciting. Such a valuable book also deserves the most far-reaching audience. Or, rather, the chess reading public deserves such a valuable book. David Kaufman, Chess Cafe

“I would recommend this book very highly to players who feel confident of their tactics, but aren’t certain how those possibilities come up. This book will best serve aspiring players who too often find themselves facing situations in which calculation simply will not achieve a positive result.” NM Bill McGeary,

“The diagrams are plentiful and the notes are well explained. Intermediate players probably will not even need a chessboard. A careful study of this book will give you the tools you need to implement key positional strategies and help advance your understanding of the game.” Chess Horizons