Chess School. Volume 2

Author:Sergei Ivashchenko
Publisher:Russian Chess House
Date/Format:2011 Hardback
Content:256 Pages


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Manual of Chess Combinations

“You have already studied The Manual of Chess Combinations I and can solve simple exercises in which the goal can be reached after 1-3 correct moves. It is time now for the next step – to learn and solve more complicated problems, where deeper thought is required.” —from the author’s preface

This book concludes the author’s 25-year-long work on the creation of chess tactics manual. Of course with tactics alone you will not defeat all your opponents, but without tactics nothing can be done in chess. Tactics are perhaps the most beautiful and attractive side of chess, particularly at the beginning of your studies. I hope that the study of this book will strengthen your desire to learn chess systematically and bring you real pleasure.