Catastrophe in the Opening

Author:James Plaskett
Publisher:Everyman Chess
Date/Format:2005 Paperback
Content:144 Pages


SKU: 152 Categories: , ,


 There are not too many feelings more satisfying in chess than winning very quickly by cleverly snaring an opponent in an opening trap. Conversely, all chess players, even budding World Champions, have experienced the utter humiliation of losing in exactly the same manner! In this entertaining and instructive book, Grandmaster James Plaskett presents a wealth of illustrative games that contain disasters in the crucial opening phase of the game, where for one reason or another the battle is concluded prematurely. Studying Catastrophe in the Opening will allow readers to capitalize on any early blunders by his or her opponents, while also avoiding the various pitfalls that await chess players in the opening.

    • Helps sharpen your killer instinct
    • Highlights the do’s and don’ts of the opening
    • Ideal for improving players

About the Author

James Plaskett is one of Britain’s most talented and imaginative grandmasters. A former British Champion, his sharp and uncompromising play has won him many admirers over the years. Plaskett is also an experienced writer; his earlier works include Sicilian Taimanov and Sicilian Grand Prix Attack (both published by Everyman).