Building Up Your Chess

Author:Lev Alburt
Publisher:Chess Information & Research Institute
Date/Format:2002 Paperback
Content:368 Pages


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The Art of Accurate Evaluation and Other Winning Techniques

Building Up Your Chess makes use of colorful graphs and a new, more logical method of expressing the evaluation of a chess position to teach the critical skill of assessing how you stand. Lev Alburt’s unique experience as both a top-level champion and a world-renowned teacher allow him to explain in a clear, logical way how to master chess. He maximizes the results of your reading time. More than 400 chess diagrams make reading easy.

About the Author

 International Grandmaster Lev Alburt, three-time U.S. Champion and former European Champion, is one of the world’s most sought-after chess teacher, and the only top-echelon GM to develop time-efficient lessons for those below master strength.