Bishop Endings: An Innovative Course

Author: Efstratios Grivas
Publisher: Thinkers Publishing
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978 9492510174
Number Of Pages: 180
Publication Year: 2017
Language: English


SKU: 978 9492510174 Categories: , ,


An Innovative Course

Proper handling of Bishops in the Endgame is an important feature in today’s chess and a must for every chess player who wants to climb the world’s chess hierarchy. This book deals with all important themes and ideas on the world of Bishop endings.

About the Author

Efstratios Grivas (30-03-1966) is a highly experienced chess trainer and author. He has been awarded by FIDE the titles of IGM, Senior Trainer, International Chess Arbiter and International Chess Organiser. His main successes over the board are the Silver Medal Olympiad 1988 (3rd board), the Gold Medal European Team Championship 1989 (3rd board) and the 4th place World Junior Championship U20 1985.