Attacking the Flexible Sicilian

Author:Vassilios Kotronias and Semko Semkov
Publisher:Chess Stars
Date/Format:2017 Paperback
Content:404 Pages


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This book presents a full repertoire against open Sicilians with 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6. It advocates the modern set-up with Bc1-e3 and Qd1-f3 against the Taimanov, an innovative treatment of the Keres Attack, 5.c4 against the Kan. The authors develop many new plans for White, relying on their chess instincts and original analysis.

About the Authors

GM Vassilios Kotronias is ten-time champion of Greece and a famous theoretician. His peak rating so far was 2628 in 2008.

 Semko Semkov played for Bulgaria in one Olympiad. He is a chess journalist and theoretician. He has authored The Most Flexible Sicilian, Kill K.I.D., Attacking the English/Reti, and other books.