A Chess Library for Practical Players. The Endgame

Author:Marat Makarov
Publisher:Chess Stars
Date/Format:2007 Paperback
Content:180 Pages


SKU: 978-9548782630 Categories: , ,


 The author Marat Makarov is a Grandmaster and he has been practicing as a coach for more than 20 years. Among his pupils is the cham­pion of USSR and Russia WGM Julia Demina.

 “It was a great pleasure for me to work with this wonderful book.

 It includes more than 300 skillfully selected endgame positions, which are of immense value for the practical player. It looks like you can encounter them in every tournament and I myself learned a lot from that book, while translating it.

 I believe this work is a necessity for every chess player’s library and it will ensure for you plenty of well-deserved points in your chess games.”

—GM Evgeny Ermenkov