Theory and Practice of Chess Endings, 2 book set

Author:Alexander Panchenko
Publisher:Convekta LTD
Date/Format:2009 Paperback
Content:336 Pages total


SKU: B0035ZB5G0 Categories: , ,


 The author of the books is the Grandmaster and honored Russian coach who headed the All-Russian chess school. At his lessons Alexander Panchenko, following the advice of world champions J.R.Capablanka and V.V.Smislov, placed the highest emphasis on endgame (without neglecting the other stages of a chess game, for sure). The result surpassed all expectations: dozens of Grandmasters and Masters graduated from the school – Sergey Rublevsky, Alice Galliamova, Ruslan Scherbakov, Maxim Sorokin, Michael Ulibin, Svetlana Prudnikova, Tatiana Shumjakina and many others.

 The well-known lectures of Panchenko’s school have underlain the basis of this fascinating books on the endgame that will help to increase playing skills and to achieve higher practical results both for amateurs and professionals. Moreover, it is an indispensible assistant for coaches-teachers. Besides theoretical material, books contains numerous examples from the practice of the classical and modern chess players and the tasks for the independent solving and playing.