Seven Ways to Smash the Sicilian

Author:Yury Lapshun and Nick Conticello
Publisher:Everyman Chess
Date/Format:2009 Paperback
Content:192 Pages


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  One of the main reasons the Sicilian is the most popular opening is that is it promotes bold and aggressive chess. White will often gain a lead in development and, naturally, will want to use this as the basis for an attack. However, the Sicilian is a tough nut to crack and it’s not enough to make vaguely threatening gestures – you must know exactly what you are doing and use the appropriate weapons.

 Seven Ways to Smash the Sicilian introduces, categorizes and studies the deadly sacrifices White has at his disposal. It’s impossible to play Open Sicilian positions with either colour without an intimate knowledge of these sacrifices. Read this book and discover everything you need to know.

    • An essential guide to destroying the Sicilian
    • A feast of entertaining games and violent sacrifices
    • Includes coverage of the main lines

About the Authors

 Yury Lapshun is an International Master and a winner of several important tournaments. He’s also an experienced coach who has guided individuals and teams to national championships. Originally from the Ukraine, he has been resident in New York for 20 years.

 US Master Nick Conticello won two Chess Journalist of America awards in 2003, and was named Organizer of the Year by the United States Chess Federation in 1996.