Pawn Sacrifice! Winning at Chess the Adventurous Way

Author:Timothy Taylor
Publisher:Everyman Chess
Date/Format:2008 Paperback
Content:192 Pages


SKU: 593 Categories: ,


 Pawn sacrifices are incredibly common in chess games, and yet curiously they have been neglected in literature… until now.

 In this pioneering work, Timothy Taylor carries out an in-depth study of this major subject. Using an abundance of instructive examples, Taylor uncovers the secrets of pawn sacrifices, highlighting the many reasons for their success and indicating the ideal situations in which pawn sacrifices work, as well as those cases in which they are not so effective.

 The ability to handle pawn sacrifices is one of the most important skills in chess, and enhancing this skill will undoubtedly improve your understanding and results. This book will show you how to do this.

About the Author

 International Master Timothy Taylor is an experienced tournament player who has enjoyed several notable successes, including winning the US Open. He is also a skilled chess writer, one of his previous books, How to Defeat the Smith-Morra Gambit, becoming a US Chess Federation bestseller.


“Tim’s excitement with the subject matter is obvious on every page, and his conversational writing style and humor keep things hopping … Tim had a clear agenda: to excite, teach, and entertain the reader and make the student as thrilled with the prospect of sacrificing pawns as he is himself. “ —Jeremy Silman

“One of the strengths of Pawn sacrifice! Winning at Chess the Adventurous Way is Taylor’s objectivity. He makes no bones about his marked preference for the initiative but this doesn’t prevent him from pointing out resources for the defender. His notes to the classic encounter Petrosian-Bertok, Zagreb 1965, illustrate that things were never completely clear, even after White’s pawn sacrifice e4-e5 and placing his Knight on e4. Choosing an example like this, in preference to a one-sided encounter with the same theme (for example Botvinnik-Pomar, Varna (ol) 1962) gives the student a much more realistic view of the pros and cons of this type of pawn sacrifice. Pawn sacrifice! Winning at Chess the Adventurous Way can be recommended for those interested in spicing up their play and increasing their creativity. Those with find this book useful will also enjoy another Everyman offering – Understanding the Sacrifice by IM Angus Dunnington – which deals in part with the topic of pawn sacrifices.” —John Donaldson

“I found Pawn Sacrifice! to be an entertaining and informative instruction manual. If you’ve been feeling that your game has been flat, or that you’re just not enjoying chess like you used to, put Taylor’s ideas to work.” —Steve Goldberg