American Grandmaster: Four Decades of Chess Adventures

Author:Joel Benjamin
Publisher:Everyman Chess
Date/Format:2008 Paperback
Content:272 Pages


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 Joel Benjamin is one of the most prominent faces in the history of US chess. At thirteen years of age he broke Bobby Fischer’s record as the youngest ever national master, and this was followed by countless tournament successes. Perhaps most famously, in 1997 he hit the headlines when he became the chess consultant for IBM’s Deep Blue computer, which made history by beating World Champion Garry Kasparov in an epic encounter. In American Grandmaster, Benjamin takes the reader on a journey through chess adventures spanning more than thirty years. Tracing through his own career, from being a prodigy in the ‘Fischer boom’ era thorough to an experienced Grandmaster with many titles, Benjamin is in a unique position to highlight the major changes that have occurred both in US and international chess throughout the last four decades.
 This book includes:

    • Instructive annotations of his favourite games
    • Anecdotes and reflections from thirty years of US and worldwide chess events
    • New perspectives on the legendary Kasparov-Deep Blue match
    • Insights into how Grandmasters earn their living
    • A deep look into the current major issues of chess

About the Author

 Joel Benjamin is an American Grandmaster, a 3-time US Champion, 6-time member of the Olympiad team, and was a double gold medallist at the 1993 World Team Championship. He played in 23 consecutive US Championships, an incredible record that will prove extremely difficult to beat.


“American Grandmaster is one heck of a provocatively good read, filled with wonderful chess and informed commentary, by a man who knows his business. Agree or disagree with him, but ignore him at your own loss.” Bruce Pandolfini, Chess Life

“This is a fun book. You get to read the thoughts of a strong GM as he takes you through his 30 years of chess adventures. Honesty, a bit of ego, love for the great game of chess, and good writing skills make this autobiography a success.”

“For obvious reasons, the book will appeal most to American players, who will recognise the events, characters, and idiosyncratic details of the U.S. chess scene; but I think it’s fair to say that everyone can enjoy Benjamin’s adventures and insights from a lifetime in the chess world. “ John Watson, TWIC

“This book would be enjoyed by anyone interested in reading about Joel Benjamin’s chess life or his opinions on what is good about chess in the USA and what needs improving. It was a book that this reviewer certainly enjoyed.”Harvey Lerman, Florida Chess