Beating Unusual Chess Openings

Author:Richard Palliser
Publisher:Everyman Chess
Date/Format:2007 Paperback
Content:224 Pages


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Dealing with the English, Reti, King’s Indian Attack
…and other annoying systems

Beating Unusual Chess Openings is a godsend to those chess players fed up with struggling against all opening moves other than White’s main two: 1 e4 and 1 d4. From the respectable (English Opening, Réti and King’s Indian Attack) through to theoffbeat (Nimzo-Larsen Attack, Bird’s Opening) and the totally bizarre (Orang-utan, Grob); everything Black needs to know about facing unusual openings is covered within these pages. Richard Palliser gets to grips with all of White’s possibilities, examining their strengths and weaknesses and in turn organizing a reliable and practical repertoire for Black.

About the Author

 Richard Palliser is an English International Master and 2006 Joint British Rapidplay Champion. He is quickly carving out a reputation as a skilled and prolific chess writer; previous works for Everyman Chess include Starting Out: Sicilian Najdorf and Tango!, both of which provoked much positive interest from critics and the chess public alike.


With more than 20 items listed in the bibliography, it is perfectly clear that the author has worked very hard to produce the finest possible coverage of all the annoying openings. Every player will find something of interest here. The section on the English is worth the cover price alone and as a whole I’d say that for coverage of all the non-e4/d4 openings this is the best single-volume work available.”
Sean Marsh, Cleveland Chess

“Must say the whole book is very enjoyable written and I found many interesting analyses from the ChessPublishing com web site. By the way on 1.g4 d5 2.Bg2 Nc6!? 3.c4 dxc4 4.Qa4 Qd7 5.h3 Ne5!?6.Qxd7+ Kxd7 ! and black’s king might have been in the centre, but was very comfortable with the queens off and white unable to easily regain his pawn in E Roberts – M.Cehajic,corr 2003. The interesting 2…Nc6!? Is as Richard Palliser describes it rare but also quite effective move order.The idea is simply to transpose to our main line after 3.h3 e5. Conclusion: Buy it for all the exciting lines!”
John Elburg

“IM Palliser is fast becoming one of my favorite chess openings authors. He has an upbeat attitude, a sense of humor, and a fine ability to explain plans and break down positions for the improving club player to understand and then make use of. Beating Unusual Chess Openings is just what the doctor ordered! “
Rick Kennedy,>